We’re Building Strong Reputation
Our reputation is not just about what we do; it’s about the impact we make. Through our actions and contributions, we strive to leave a lasting legacy of excellence and integrity.
Management Team
Prof. Theresia Nkuo-Akenji (President)
Prof. Fonjong Lotsmart (Vice President)
Dr. Fai Lilian Wiysahnyuy (Secretary)
Dr. Paschaline Ndukum (Vice Secretary)
Engr. Augustine Che Ngongban (Project officer)
Dr. Violet Yigha Fokum (Project Officer)
Mr. Akuo Cheenuwenui Boeyeo (Treasurer)
Prof. Ngole Sumbele Irene (Communication Officer)
Dr. Chongwain Lilly (Financial Secretary)
Dr. Victor Ngu Cheo (Communications Officer)